Firewall as a Service(FWaaS) | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD

Firewall as a Service

Secure networks access across your organization.

High-performance Firewall as a Service that provides
granular control and visibility from client to workload.


Enforcing network security
enhancing network safety

In today's dynamic cybersecurity landscape, organizations find
themselves locked in an ongoing battle with cyber criminals who
persistently create new exploits to evade detection and breach defenses.

To safeguard your business's people, data, infrastructure,
and overall survival, it is imperative to employ security
solutions that proactively outpace this relentless escalation.
AIONCLOUD Firewall as a Service ensure tighten security
for your business resources.

Protect your network
with sophisticated security

Legacy firewalls are effective at securing the internal perimeter of a company. however, they lack the capability to guarantee comprehensive protection across hybrid cloud environments.

AIONCLOUD FWaaS enables organizations to strengthen security posture, mitigate risks, and efficiently manage firewall infrastructure in today's dynamic and evolving threat.

Network Protection
Logging and Monitoring
Centralized Management
Protect your network
with sophisticated security

Legacy firewalls are effective at securing the internal perimeter of a company. However, they lack the capability to guarantee comprehensive protection across hybrid cloud environments.

AIONCLOUD FWaaS enables organizations to strengthen security posture, mitigate risks, and efficiently manage firewall infrastructure in today's dynamic and evolving threat.

Network Protection
Logging and Monitoring
Centralized Management
Network Protection
FWaaS enforces access control policies based on packet attributes such as
source and destination IP addresses, geolocation, port numbers, and protocol
types. By allowing or blocking specific packets, FWaaS prevents unauthorized
communication attempts and protects against network-level attacks.
Logging & monitoring
FWaaS logs network activities and security events, providing administrators
with insights into network traffic, security incidents, and compliance-related
information. Comprehensive reporting helps in analyzing trends and
identifying potential security risks.
Streamlined Management
With FWaaS as part of the SSE service, firewall policies and configurations
can be managed centrally from a single interface. This streamlines
management tasks as administrators can apply changes and updates
uniformly across all network edges, reducing the complexity of managing
multiple firewalls separately.

Network Protection
FWaaS enforces access control policies based on packet attributes
such as source and destination IP addresses, geolocation, port
numbers, and protocol types. By allowing or blocking specific
packets, FWaaS prevents unauthorized communication attempts
and protects against network-level attacks.
Logging & monitoring
FWaaS logs network activities and security events, providing
administrators with insights into network traffic, security
incidents, and compliance-related information. Comprehensive
reporting helps in analyzing trends and identifying potential
security risks.
Streamlined Management
With FWaaS as part of the SSE service, firewall policies and
configurations can be managed centrally from a single interface.
This streamlines management tasks as administrators can apply
changes and updates uniformly across all network edges, reducing
the complexity of managing multiple firewalls separately.
No more legacy firewall No more complexity

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