Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA) | Cloud-Based Platform AIONCLOUD

Zero Trust Network Access

Secure business-critical private apps for all users
and all devices.

AIONCLOUD Zero Trust Network Access offers the most secure and
fastest access to the private application to secure all users and all
devices over any network, any locations.

Replace and retire the legacy VPNs
with Zero Trust Network Access

Legacy appliance VPNs no longer meet the demands of secure remote access
in today's landscape. Relying on such legacy solutions exposes users and
organizations to vulnerabilities, heightening the risk of security breaches and
advanced cyberattacks.

Zero Trust Network Access(ZTNA) grant access to private apps based on the
Zero Trust technology ensuring the only authorized uses meeting certain
conditions can access the corporate resources.

A holistic AIONCLOUD Zero Trust Solution

Access control
Offers granular access controls that go
beyond traditional network-based controls.
It provides fine-grained, context-aware
access policies based on factors such as
user identity, device health, location,
and behavior.

Global Edge
Unparalleled protection with our
advanced global edge infrastructure,
close to headquarters, branches, and users.

Streamlined management
Streamlined security offers simplified
management with a unified platform.
No need to integrate multiple products.

Real-time verification
Only authorized users and trusted devices are
granted access to the network. By verifying the
security posture of both users and devices, it
significantly reduces the risk of unauthorized
access and potential security breaches.

A holistic AIONCLOUD Zero Trust Solution

A holistic AIONCLOUD Zero Trust Solution

Access control
Offers granular access controls that
go beyond traditional network-based
controls. It provides fine-grained,
context-aware access policies based
on factors such as user identity, device
health, location, and behavior.

Global Edge
Unparalleled protection with our
advanced global edge infrastructure,
close to headquarters, branches,
and users.

Streamlined management
Streamlined security offers simplified
management with a unified platform.
No need to integrate multiple products.

Real time verification
Only authorized users and trusted devices
are granted access to the network. By
verifying the security posture of both users
and devices, it significantly reduces the
risk of unauthorized access and potential
security breaches.

Secure Internet Access with a zero trust architecture

As a component of Secure Internet Access, AIONCLOUD SSE service, AIONCLOUD
ZTNA offers unparalleled security and superior user experience.
Achieve unmatched security results through our SSE(SWG, CASB, FWaaS, NG DPI) offering,
which is built upon a comprehensive zero-trust platform, setting it apart from
conventional network security solutions.
Enhance digital experiences with a direct-to-cloud architecture that guarantees
the most efficient path between users and their intended destinations.

Learn more about AIONCLOUD SSE service SIA →
Secure internet access with a zero trust architecture

As a component of Secure Internet Access, AIONCLOUD SSE service, AIONCLOUD ZTNA offers unparalleled security and superior user experience. Achieve unmatched security results through our SSE(SWG, CASB, FWaaS, NG DPI) offering, which is built upon a comprehensive zero-trust solution, setting it apart from conventional network security solutions. Enhance digital experiences with a direct-to- cloud architecture that guarantees the most efficient path between users and their intended destinations.

Learn more about AIONCLOUD SSE service SIA →

The most secure access to private apps

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