What do I do if I run into a problem with my web services using AIONCLOUD WAF? | Cloud SECaaS platform AIONCLOUD


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What do I do if I run into a problem with my web services using AIONCLOUD WAF?

-AIONCLOUD’s block page shows up even when the web is accessed in a normal way. -> Log into AIONCLOUD WAF Console, check the log of the access in the 'Log' menu, and click 'Path' of the log to register it as an exception. -If the browser can't get a response (ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE, etc.). -> Check the IP restriction setting of the web server environment. The WAF's IP may be restricted. Please contact support@aioncloud.com for the IP of the WAF. -If you have registered an SSL certificate but cannot access the SSL site. -> Check the SSL certificate registered with WAF. For a normal SSL connection, you need to register an SSL certificate that contains both a 'server certificate', 'intermediate certificate' and 'root certificate'.
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