
How is the traffic calculated?

(For third parties: calculated from the average traffic in units of 5 minutes at monthly peak times) Traffic information on the website is required. If you don’t know the exact traffic volume, you can monitor it for about a day through Free Plan and calculate the approximate traffic volume.

What’s the contract unit?

You can choose a pay-as-you-go plan (appropriate for websites with low monthly cumulative traffic) and a bandwidth plan (appropriate for websites with high monthly cumulative traffic and high monthly volatility). https://www.aioncloud.com/pricing-website-protection If it is difficult to set up a plan, please use the WAF trial. You can also contact AIONCLOUD’s security experts for an appropriate Read more about What’s the contract unit?[…]

What is SIA?

Secure Internet Access(SIA) service consists of a solution that can eliminate and defend against security threats that may arise in the use of external internet by internal users. Also, consist services such as, SDP (Software Distributed Farmer) / SWG (Secure Web Gateway / NGFW).

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